• Trust

  • Security

  • Confiden-tiality

  • honesty and transparency

  • purchasing agency

    Search for suppliers and location of products according to your requirements. Negotiation and intermediation during the purchase process, facilitating and providing security to your international purchases.

  • international logistics operations

    We offer services to follow shipments, purchases consolidation and documents management for easy import. Even, through our strategic partners we can support you and offer solutions in your international freight transport.

  • supplier verification and merchandise inspection

    Physical inspection and documentary directly in China or in the country according to your requeirement to check the correct operation of the company, verifying its real existense and its reliability to carry out negotiations.

  • visits to suppliers and commercial accompaniment in fairs

    We support the customer in China and provide support in the visa process, as well as purchase tickets.


Some of our customers

  • Click to enlarge image Banexport.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image Best---Casa-del-peluquero.png
  • Click to enlarge image Editorial-Ibaez.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image Elctricos-IVM.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image GDS.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image Gesys.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image Guayalres.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image Hersa.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image Jungla-Kumba.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image Punto--seguido.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image Quest.jpg
  • Click to enlarge image RenovArt.jpg

Our goal

is to facilitate your purchase and transport operations from anywhere in the world in an agile and secure way